Home » Sexual Wellness » Menstrual Care Access Matters

Many of us take for granted the ability to simply leave the house without our menstrual cycles getting in the way — but for millions of women and people worldwide, life stops when periods start. Known as “period poverty,” lack of access to menstrual care products hinders people’s ability to go about their lives.

Period poverty is often presumed to be a third-world issue, but it impacts people around the globe — including in the United States. Many must choose between buying food and purchasing period products each month, and lack of access can keep people from working, attending school, and participating in our economy and society. Beyond affordability, questionable materials also become a cause for concern, underlining the lack of access to products that are safe for the body and the environment as well.

Safe and reusable care

Unlike pads and tampons, menstrual cups don’t contain chemicals, bleaches, or fibers that can cause sensitivity or allergic reactions, and menstrual cups are considered more environmentally friendly — many pads and tampons are not biodegradable, creating tons of waste with each cycle. Menstrual cups are often a more economical option, too. With the average person using 20 tampons per month (plus other protection products), a year’s worth of tampons alone can cost at least $120.

Sexual and intimacy brand Jimmyjane sells Intimate Care Menstrual Cups for $30 — and with two cups included in each box, a package can easily be split between two people to cut the price further, or saved by a single person for alternating use, allowing for an extended product lifetime.

When seeking to create a better, more thoughtful menstrual cup, Jimmyjane enlisted the help of a sexologist in addition to thorough product research. This collaborative effort culminated in a strategic, reusable design that includes silicone material for optimal hygiene and safety; a flexible, curved bell-shape for a snug, yet comfortable fit; an ergonomic rim to prevent leakage; a shorter stem for easy removal; and anti-suction holes for a gentle break of suction.

A happy period

Since 2003, Jimmyjane has made it its mission to support the personal wellness goals of people around the world. As a sexual wellness brand , it is experienced in combating social taboos in order to provide access to important products, and as an internationally recognized brand, it is uniquely suited to help shed light on the importance of ending period poverty.

The launch of the Intimate Care Menstrual Cups was a big step, and it’s going a step further with a new campaign in support of #HappyPeriod. #HappyPeriod is a non-profit organization distributing menstrual protection to homeless and low-income women and people throughout the United States, and Jimmyjane will be donating $1 to the organization for every Jimmyjane Intimate Care Menstrual Cup sold in early 2020.

In a world where lack of access to menstrual care products can actively hinder a person’s ability to work, learn, and function, menstrual cups provide reliable protection every month without necessitating ongoing financial responsibility. By chucking your old period products in favor of menstrual cups, supporting organizations like #HappyPeriod, and simply talking about the reality of period poverty, we can all take part in the change that brings us closer and closer to making affordable access to menstrual protection a reality for everyone.

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