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Home » Oral Health » How Endodontists Can Minimize Tooth Pain

Natural teeth are like a precious forest that supplies oxygen to humans and wildlife alike. They’re worth caring for with regular, six-month dental checkups, as well as daily brushing and flossing. 

In the event of a dental problem like tooth pain, they’re worth saving just like a forest, or a priceless family keepsake, or irreplaceable photos in a burning house. 

Dental experts agree that if you have a toothache, seeing a dental specialist such as an endodontist can help resolve the problem more quickly than if you wait for the pain to worsen. Not to mention, their expert treatment could save your smile.

After all, according to the American Association of Endodontists (AAE), no artificial structure — be it a bridge, an implant, or a denture — looks or feels like your real teeth. 

Debunking root canal myths

When you think “root canal,” your mind may flash to scenes from a TV show or movie that portrays the procedure as painful. But the truth is, root canals aren’t scary. Most every patient is pleasantly surprised at the ease and comfort of the procedure. 

In fact, root canal treatments are common and routine for endodontists who perform them almost exclusively and on average 25 times per week. As pain management experts, endodontists are best at delivering a virtually painless procedure.

They are expert at addressing that throbbing, dull, or sharp discomfort you may be feeling now or experience in the future.

The fact of the matter is that having an endodontist diagnose a dental problem, recommend a treatment, and provide the root canal treatment when needed can prevent further dental stress and expenses down the line.  

“Endodontic treatment has a high success rate and many root canal-treated teeth last a lifetime,” noted the AAE. “Replacing an extracted tooth with a bridge or implant requires more time in treatment and may result in further procedures to neighboring teeth and supporting tissue.”

Considering the benefits 

It’s everyone’s dream to retain their youthful energy and appearance as they age. And maintaining good dental health, aesthetically and functionally, is a worthy effort in this quest. 

Fortunately, in the face of severe tooth pain or swelling, opting for a root canal can get you back on your feet, and back to work and your social life more quickly than if you were to have your problematic tooth extracted. “Thanks to modern techniques and effective anesthesia, patients who experience root canals are six times more likely to describe it as painless than patients who have a tooth extracted,” according to the AAE. 

Root canals effectively treat inflamed or infected pulp, which lies inside of your tooth. Trauma, decay, a crack in the tooth, malfunctioning crowns, or multiple dental procedures can contribute to this inflammation or infection. During a root canal or endodontic treatment, the pulp is cleared and the inside of the tooth is disinfected then sealed. Next, a crown or filling is placed on top, creating a structure that’s as good as new. 

If you’ve ever had a filling before, think of a root canal as a similar procedure. It requires one to two visits, depending on the health and anatomy of the tooth. 

Endodontists agree that retaining your tooth with a root canal treatment offers additional perks, including allowing you to continue to chew efficiently, bite with the same force and sensation, and shield surrounding teeth from unnecessary wear, tear, or strain.All in all, the end result of going the natural route in your dental care is looking and feeling your best — now, and for years to come. 

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