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Are You Married to Your Phone?

Ever notice how many times you look at your screen in a day? Has your spouse ever caught you in that sacred bond you and your screen share? Do you stare at it almost as if the screen comprises more value than the person next to you?

Strained relationships

Technology has its purpose which is to make our lives easier and create new orbits in our social, familial, academic and professional lives. The paradox, however, is that human stress is not on the decline.  Our constant connectivity is causing a new form of stress. Screen stress is dysregulating our minds and bodies, leading to maladaptive behaviors and strained relationships.

Screen stress impacts our attention spans and productivity, with our trains of thought interrupted to the point of distraction every 8-15 seconds. High-resolution immersive technology is making us angry, impulsive, isolated, aggressive and less empathetic. Our modern habits are corrosive, changing mood, cognition, and behavior. The lights and stimuli from screens stress our anatomy, and screen time causes repeated stress on the Central Nervous System. Excessive screen time confuses the body and dulls our spirit over time. Repeated use often results in obsession, compulsion or addiction.

Complicate psychiatric needs

Over time, a reduction in brain size can result from our loyal dedication to our screens. Screen stress gives way to neuronal damage, memory impairments and over-production of stress hormones like epinephrine, norepinephrine, and cortisol. Screen stress can complicate psychiatric needs and can mimic psychiatric disorders while creating new ergonomic and physical needs.

We only get one brain and one spine. Different than using a screen while it charges, the Central Nervous System requires downtime for processing information, movement, ideas and emotions. Screens give us much, but they can’t measure up to the 5 senses: taste, touch, aroma, hearing, and sight. Implementing right brain activities such as music, sports, art and puzzles can reregulate our brains. Human interaction eliminates the confusion that creates stress on our bodies. The brain creates good chemicals from nurturing and human touch, so put down that screen and turn your gaze on something important – that person next to you.

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